Its Jenni C. !!!!!

Hey Its me Jenni C!! Who am I?  I wish someone would tell me, because figuring it out is damn hard!!! Just kidding, I think I have a pretty good sense of who I am by now, or at least I think I do.  I am confident, and comfortable enough (finally) to just love the woman who I have become. I am that girl, the one who is a little bit unsure about life, has uncertainty about mostly everything, and feel a daily utter sense of confusion about what in the world is going on around me. But you know what? In the midst of all the confusion, and uncertainty I have found that life always works! It works for me, It makes me who I am, and without it I would be another boring girl, conforming, to the monotony of life. I am always wanting more, and striving to hit near perfection!! I am happy being who I am, and for the first time in my life I can say that with a honest sense of security. My smiles ares real, and I am a real girl who is working through life while unmasking the mysteries of what has held me back up to this point.

About me: Well I am just a newly 30 year old chick who grew up in New York City and now I live in what they call Paradise! Yes I am in Hawaii (still on US land) but what feels like a completely different country. Follow me through my journey on what its like to literally restart life, grow, change, learn, date guys, yes date (the good and bad), live each day, and have a little fun while i’m at it!

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